Nuclear Materials Modeling Lab. (NMML), Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyung Hee University
Log of NMML:
- Jan-2025: NMML Group Dinner!
- Dec-2024: Kunok has been selected as Outstanding Reviewer of NET! Certificate
- Dec-2024: Our paper Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation Study of Selective Xe Adsorption Process by Metal Organic Frameworks is published for KJCE! Jeongho’s first first-authored paper!
- Nov-2024: Wooseob received the Excellent Student Oral Presentation Award at the 2024 KIM Fall Conference. Congratulations! Link
- Oct-2024: Wooseob has been selected as 2024년 에너지인력양성 우수성과 수상자! Congratulations!
- Oct-2024: Wooseob has been selected as a Doosan Enerbility Scholarship recipient. by the Korean Nuclear Society! Congratulations! Photo1
- Oct-2024: Hwanhui and Kunok attended NuMat 2024 @ Singapore! Photo1 Photo2
- Oct-2024: Our paper Development of Integrated FEPs for Safety Case Scenario Development is published for JNST! Myungjin’s first first-authored paper!
- Sep-2024: Woojien, Ilhyun, Hwanhui and Kunok attended MMM 11 @ Prague, Czech Republic! Photo1 Photo2
- Sep-2024: Our paper Surface Reaction-Diffusion-Coupled Simulation of Ni–Fe–Cr Alloy under FLiNaK Molten Salt is published for Metals!
- Sep-2024: Official version of homepage is now open!
- Sep-2024: NMML Group Dinner!
- Sep-2024: Our paper Thermal Analysis of the Gelation Process of Li-ion Battery Polymer Electrolyte by Electron Irradiation Using Multi-physics Simulation is published for KJCE! Woojien’s first first-authored paper!
- Aug-2024: Woojin and Yeonhak got a full scholarship! Congratulation!
- July-2024: Maehyun and Jeongho successfully completed their master degrees. Congratulations!
- May-2024: Jeongho and Kunok attended MRS 2024 Spring @ Seattle, Washington!
- May-2024: Our paper Comparison of excess free energy at an interface according to the applied interpolation scheme for elasticity: A phase-field method is published for CMS!
- Feb-2024: Bohyun, Woojin and Kunok attended The 5th International Symposium on Phase-Field Modeling in Materials Science @ Hangzhou, China!
- April-2024: NMML Group Photo!
- April-2024: Yeonhak and Homin have joined the group. Welcome!
- Mar-2024: Our paper Performance Benchmark of Cahn–Hilliard Equation Solver with Implementation of Semi-implicit Fourier Spectral Method is published for KJCE! Ilhyun’s first first-authored paper!
- Feb-2024: Jiho, Wooseob and Kunok attended 6th Asian Zirconium Workshop @ Tokyo, Japan!
- Dec-2023: Jiho, Wooseob, Woojien, Ilhyun and Kunok attended Mines 2023 @ New Orleans, Louisiana!
- Nov-2023: Wooseob and Jungho won the Excellent Presentation award at the 2023 KSRI conference! Congratulations!
- Oct-2023: Woojin and Hwanhui won the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award at the High-level Radioactive Waste National Competition.
- Oct-2023: Woojien received the Curie award from KNS. Congratulations!
- Oct-2023: Jeongho received the Excellent Poster Presentation Award at the KNS Spring Conference. Congratulations!
- May-2023: Wooseob, Jeonghwan and Kunok attended MRS 2023 Spring @ Honolulu, Hawaii!
- Dec-2022: Doowon and Yeonjae received the Excellent Research Award for Undergraduate student competition (Joint project with Prof. Sanghoon Noh’s research team in Pukyong University). Congratulations! Show Show
- Nov-2022: Maehyun received the Best Presentation award at ENGE 2022. Congratulations! Show
- Oct-2022: Our group got KETEP fund! (Global energy education program, Project Leader, In total: 100k USD in 1 year)
- Sep-2022: Phase Separation Behavior of Fe-Cr System Including α, α′ and σ Phases Using Phase-Field Modeling is published for Mat Trans!
- Sep-2022: Ilhyun, Joonseo, Woojien, Dongyun have joined the group. Welcome!
- July-2022: Hwanhui has joined the group. Welcome!
- June-2022: Hyeonho successfully completed his master degree. Congratulations!
- Apr-2022: Jeonghwan received the Excellent Student Oral Presentation Award at the 2022 KIM Spring Conference. Congratulations! Link
- Feb-2022: Our paper Defect Structure Classification of Neutron-Irradiated Graphite using Supervised Machine Learning is published for NET! Jiho’s first first-authored paper!
- Dec-2021: Our group got KETEP fund! (Global energy education program, Project Leader, In total: 300k USD in 1 year)
- Dec-2021: Jeonghwan and Bohyun successfully completed his/her master degree. Congratulations!
- Dec-2021: Jeongho, Yeonjae have joined the group. Welcome!
- Nov-2021: Chuncheon City and Kyunghee University have agreed to cooperate in nuclear fusion research! Link
- Oct-2021: Our paper Effective thermal conductivity model of porous polycrystalline UO2: A computational approach is published for NET!
- Oct-2021: Jiho received the Excellent Student Oral Presentation Award at the 2021 KIM Fall Conference. Congratulations! Link
- Sep-2021: Our paper Effect of the Surface Roughness of Tungsten on the Sputtering Yield under Helium Irradiation: A Molecular Dynamics Study is published for Metals!
- Sep-2021: Doowon has joined the group. Welcome!
- Jul-2021: Our group got NRF fund! (I-NERI , Project Leader, In total: 600k USD in 3 years, subtotal of group: 120k USD in 3 years)
- Jul-2021: Wooseob successfully completed his master degree. Congratulations!
- Jul-2021: Dooyoung, Dong Hoon, Jiwoo have joined the group. Welcome!
- May-2021: Jeonghwan received the Excellent Student Oral Presentation Award at the 2021 KIM Spring Conference. Congratulations! Link
- Feb-2021: Myungjin has joined the group. Welcome!
- Dec-2020: Our paper Effect of Al Concentration on the Microstructural Evolution of Fe-Cr-Al Systems: A Phase-Field Approach is published for Metals!
- Dec-2020: Wooseob received the Excellent Oral Presentation Award at the KNS Spring Conference. Congratulations!
- Nov-2020 Our paper Triple-junction morphology classification and dihedral angle distribution during 2D grain growth is published for RInP! Hyeonho’s first first-authored paper!
- Nov-2020: Wooseob received the Silver Award of student paper competition at APCFS 2020. Congratulations!
- Nov-2020: Jeonghwan received the Excellent Student Oral Presentation Award at the 2020 KIM Fall Conference. Congratulations! Link
- Sep-2020: Our paper Effect of the pore radius on the effective conductivity of UO2 in 2D and 3D: A computational approach is published for RInP!
- Sep-2020: Wooseob received 최우수작품상 @ 에너지인력양성사업 학생연구 우수성과 경진대회 (산업통상자원부 장관상). Congratulations! link
- Sep-2020: Our paper The Effects of Inhomogeneous Elasticity and Dislocation on Thermodynamics and the Kinetics of the Spinodal Decomposition of a Fe-Cr System: A Phase-Field Study is published for Metals!
- Sep-2020: NMML group logo is created. Homepage is upgraded to Beta (v0.5) version!
- Aug-2020: Our paper Effect of Number of Variants of Zirconium Hydride on Grain Growth of Zirconium is published for Metals! Bohyun’s first first-authored paper!
- Aug-2020: Joongseok has a bachelor’s degree and enters graduate school for Master! Congratualtions!
- Jul-2020: Jeonghwan received the Excellent Student Oral Presentation Award at the 2020 KIM Spring Conference. Congratulations! Link
- Jul-2020: Joongseok, Jiho, Hyeonho got adimission for graduate school! Congratulations!
- May-2020: Our paper Phase-field modeling of hydride reorientation in zirconium cladding materials under applied stress is published for CMS! Wooseob’s first first-authored paper!
- Feb-2020: Joongseok got a full scholarship! Congratulation!
- Jan-2020: Joongseok, Jiho have joined the group! Welcome!
- Dec-2019: Wooseob, Kunok attended APCOM 2019 @ Taipei, Taiwan
- Oct-2019: Bohyun, Wooseob, Kunok attended Mines 19 @ Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Aug-2019: Bohyun got a full scholarship! Congratulation!
- Jul-2019: Our paper Effect of magnetic ordering on the spinodal decomposition of the Fe-Cr system: A GPU-accelerated phase-field study is published for CMS! Jeonghwan’s first first-authored paper!
- Apr-2019: Our group got NRF fund! (70k USD per year – 3 years)
- Apr-2019: Hyeonho has joined the group! Welcome!
- Jan-2019: Our paper Effect of grain boundary energy anisotropy in 2D and 3D grain growth process is published for RInP! Heebaek’s first co-authored paper!
- Jan-2019: Our paper Effect of Inhomogeneous Nucleation of Hydride at α/β Phase Boundary on Microstructure Evolution of Zr–2.5 wt%Nb Pressure Tube is published for MMI!
- Jan-2019: Bohyun has Joined the group! Congratulations!
- Dec-2018: Jwabeong moved to KOPEC E&C. Congratulations!
- Sep-2018: Jwabeong has joined the group. Welcome!
- Aug-2018: Heebaek and Jeonghwan have joined the group. Welcome!
- Jun-2018: Wooseob has joined the group. Welcome!
- May-2018: Our group got Kyung Hee Research fund for starting researcher! (20k USD – 1 year)
- Apr-2018: Our group got NRF fund! (30k USD per year – 3 years)
- Apr-2018: Our first paper Phase-field Modeling of Precipitate Behavior in RPV Steel Using CALPHAD Database is accepted!
- Mar-2018: Kunok joined Kyung Hee University!
- Oct-2017 : Alpha version (v 0.1) of website opens.
- Sep-2020: Second generation of RTX architecture (Ampere) is coming. Surprisingly enhanced performance and relatively cheap cost… Really looking forward it! Link
- Sep-2020: See how IBM 1401 compiles and runs code written in Fortran! Awesome!